I guess I'm making a clone then

I honestly started this just wanting to make an elaborate version of a very simple "defend the planet" game. There's even a very simple sample project for this kind of game in the Unity asset store.
But as I started to add stuff is funny how similar it started to play and look to other more professional (VERY more professional) games like Vampire Survivors or Nova Drift. Stuff like the pick one upgrade from 3 random upgrades or adding bosses are ideas I had in order to make the game more interesting and it's fun (and also a bit frustrating) to see them realized in preexisting game. So I guess I'm now making a Vampire Survivors clone?
The game was never meant to be more than a learning experience so honestly I'm mostly happy that my instincts where right...

In any case I'd say the basic elements of the game are about 90% there and the gameplay is finally starting to be enjoyable. I now plan to start going one item at a time, refining each component to an acceptable level to get this project to an acceptable complete status. I'm sure I'll keep having new ideas of things to add or modify but completing the project is an exercise that feels important to see trough. Besides it's been over a month and I'm itching to do something else.

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