I really need to stop adding stuff

Since the beginning I set out to make the simplest game possible: this was always supposed to be a learning experience above all and I wanted to make sure to release a "finished" product. That is why I forced myself to leave out any non-necessary feature.
However what was supposed to be a simple endless shooter with harder and harder waves now has 9 different bosses planed. I guess I am my own worst enemy after all.

The other thing that turned out to be WAY harder that I expected is balancing. Of course the more bosses and enemies and abilities and upgrades I add the harder it becomes to keep a reasonable difficulty, but I'm still surprised by the amount of playtesting that this thing is gonna need to feel "right".
I'll probably start looking for discords or forums in order to post it once I have a reasonable candidate, specially since nobody seems to be playing it over here =P.


PlutosRevenge.zip Play in browser
Mar 09, 2022

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